Seafood Chowder

60g butter, 2 cups of water, 1 onion finely chopped , 100g chopped up button mushrooms, 500g surimi, 500g smoked fish and 1kg of blue cod. 2 cups of milk.

In a saucepan, melt the butter, lightly cook the vegetables. add fresh fis and continue cooking for 5 minutes.

Pour in the water and bring to the boil. Add the other ingredients and bring back to the boil.

Fold in the  milk and continue cooking for 5 minutes with out boiling.

Thicken with flour and cornflower mixed together with with a little water. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve hot.

Oyster soup

2 Pints of milk, 1 tbsp butter, 1 dozen oysters,  2 tbsp flour, and 2 tbsp cornflour. salt and pepper.

Bring the milk to the boil, adding the oyster juice and butter. Thicken with the flour & cornflour mixed together with a little water.

Cut the oysters up  and add to the milk mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. The oysters are poached in the thickened milk. Turn off the heat and leave to cool. It tastes better if left to cool.

Reheat to serve and garnish with parsley.


Pumpkin Soup

Allow one small onion for each 300g prepared pumpkin (peeled and thinly sliced), 1 cup of water & 1 tsp chicken stock.

Saute chopped onion in some butter until soft.Add sliced pumpkin to onion and steam slowly until soft adding small amounts of water to keep it from catching and burning.

When pumpkin is all soft and mushy, mash to a pulp well, then add the measured water and chicken stock. Add a small amount of herb stock. (1/2 tsp to 2 cups of water) and also add salt to taste.

To make a rich soup add 1/4 cup of cream and reheat , don’t boil.

Another way is to add a swirl of cream to the soup in the plate, Looks Good instead of adding to all the soup. Not everyone wants cream.!

Potato and Leek Soup

2 Large Potatoes, 1 Large Leek  & 1 Cup of Water.

Chop up the vegetables into small pieces and cook for 8 to 10 minutes in microwave on high.

When the vegetables are soft, put into the kitchen whizz along with another cup of water, along with 2 teaspoons of chicken soup, 1/2 teaspoon herb stock and 1 teaspoon salt. Whizz it all together until smooth.

Heat again  when needed and serve with a swirl of cream.