Chicken Casserole

1 cooked chicken, 2 cups of chicken stock, 1 onion, 2 cups of mixed vegetables, small tin drained pineapple, seasoning.

Cut chicken into pieces and put in a casserole . Cook  vegetables in stock, season , thicken with cornflower. Power over chicken and mix. Heat through and then cover with mashed potatoes.

Heat in oven about 20 minutes.


Pork Casserole

Required amount of pork

1 packet of Maggi mushroom soup

1 onion

1 apple


Trim fat off pork and fry in cooking oil for 10 minutes. Place in casserole dish.

Cut apple and onion into  thin slices and place on top of meat.

Mix soup mix with enough cold water to cover the meat , add to the casserole.

Cover and cook in oven 150 to 180 c  for one hour.

Savoury Steak

1 & 1/2 lb rump steak                                         1 tsp mustard

1 tbsp black sauce                                               1 cup water

1 tbsp tomato sauce                                           1 tbsp flour

1 tbsp vinegar                                                     1 tsp sugar

Cut up steak into thick strips.  Mix sauce, vinegar, mustard and sugar to a paste with the flour, add water and pour over steak. Cover  and bake  for 1 & 1/2 hours . 150 – 180 C .

Spiced Sausages

3 tbsp Flour                              2 tbsp Vinegar

1 tbsp Sugar                              2 tbsp Tomato soup

1 tsp Curry Powder

Mix altogether in casserole, add 2 cups of boiling water and stir well, add 12 sausages and 1 chopped onion.

Cook in slow oven for two hours.